What is a Job Requisition?

What is a Job Requisition?

Navigating the world of talent acquisition can seem complex, especially with so many industry-specific terms to understand. A term that plays a pivotal role in the hiring process is job requisition. But what exactly is a job requisition, and why is it significant in recruitment? 

This article aims to demystify the concept of a job requisition, explain its integral components, and highlight its impact on effective hiring strategies. Whether you're a budding HR professional or an experienced hiring manager, understanding the importance of job requisitions is vital to streamlining your recruitment process and attracting top-tier talent. So, let's dive in!

What is a Job Requisition?

A job requisition is a formal document or announcement created by an employer or hiring manager to communicate the need for a new employee in an organization. It describes the details and requirements of the position to be filled and serves as a guide for the recruitment and selection process.

A typical job requisition contains information such as the job title, department, location, reporting structure, key responsibilities, required qualifications, desired skills, and any other important details about the position. It may also include information about the company culture, benefits, and compensation package associated with the position.

Job postings are typically distributed internally to inform human resources staff, hiring managers, and other decision-makers about the need to hire someone for a particular position. They can also be posted externally on job boards, company websites, or other recruitment channels to attract potential candidates from outside the organization.

The purpose of a job requisition is to clearly define the expectations and criteria for the desired candidate, ensuring that all stakeholders involved in the hiring process have a common understanding of the role and its requirements. This helps to streamline the hiring process by providing a consistent and structured approach to finding, screening, and selecting the best fit for the position.

Advantages of Job Requisition

A robust job requisition process paves the way for success for both hiring managers and recruits. Here's why it's beneficial.

  • A Clear Understanding of the Hiring Needs: By carefully defining the reasons behind the need for a new employee, such as to replace a former employee or to fulfill project requirements, the job request process allows hiring managers to identify specific requirements and qualifications. This clarity helps avoid unnecessary hires, thereby saving the company money.
  • Alignment of expectations: The job request process ensures that hiring managers, the team, and HR are on the same page regarding the desired candidate profile and the allocated budget. This alignment reduces conflicts during the recruiting process, saves time by avoiding disagreements over candidate selection, and allows candidates to clearly understand what is expected of them. What's more, when it comes time to extend a job offer, everyone is already in agreement on salary and benefits.
  • Attracting the best talent: Clearly, defined job requirements allow hiring managers to attract high-quality candidates who have the exact skills and qualifications needed to fill the role. With a clear understanding of the job requirements, it becomes easier to effectively screen and weed out unsuitable candidates, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals continue through the hiring process.
  • Successful onboarding: An effective job creation process lays the groundwork for an effective recruiting process. This, in turn, allows hiring managers to confidently hire a new employee, knowing that they have the necessary skills, experience, and personal qualities that fit the company's culture. As a result, the risk of dissatisfaction or poor performance is reduced, leading to a smoother integration of the new team member.

By implementing a robust job request process, organizations can optimize their recruitment efforts, attract the right candidates, and set the stage for a successful and productive working relationship.

The Difference Between Job Requisitions, Job Descriptions, and Job Posts

Attracting the best talent involves more than just posting a job opening. It also includes job descriptions and job postings, which are separate elements of the hiring process. While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they actually refer to three different components.

Let's dive deeper into the differences between them.

JOB Requisition 

A job application is a formal document used by companies to make a specific request to hire a person who fits the description set forth in the company's job description. The hiring manager fills out the job request and submits it to the HR department, and often to the finance department for approval.

JOB Description

A job description is a written description of the required skills, experience, duties, and responsibilities associated with a particular position, detailing the required skills, experience, duties, and responsibilities. It usually contains a list of tasks to be performed by the employee appointed to the position, as well as the basic qualifications required for persons holding the position.

JOB Posting

A job posting is an online advertisement that indicates the availability of a position. It usually contains information such as the job title, responsibilities, and qualifications. It serves as a means of advertising an open position to potential candidates, either through a website or through an email blast to active job seekers. Often, the job posting will include a link where interested parties can apply for the position.

How to Write a Job Requisition?

Writing a clear, formal job requisition involves several steps. Because documentation is so important to a department or team's talent needs and to the rest of the hiring process, managers can spend several hours carefully crafting a compelling and cost-effective job requisition. Here are the general steps you can take to write a job requisition:

#1 Understand Existing Talent 

The first step when writing and applying for a job is to decide which areas of the department or team need development or support. You can hire a new employee to fill a void, whether it's a vacancy after someone leaves, a new role, or a reassignment from another team.  Once you understand the needs of your department, you can determine the type of role to apply with your requisition. 

For example, if the team wants someone to handle an additional number of calls, you can hire an extra staff member for the help desk team. New employees can accommodate additional support needs to handle incoming calls and questions from customers or within the organization.

#2 Collect Feedback from your Colleagues 

You can talk to colleagues, executives, and other relevant department heads to get feedback on why new hires are needed. You can talk to people who regularly interact with your team on projects, people you depend on, and colleagues who can ask your team for help. Gathering feedback from others helps you better understand if there is a talent shortage and get their support for job applications. Once you have their support, you can build a more compelling pitch in your HR department.

With the information and feedback you've gathered, you can complete the information needed for your job application. For example, you can learn more about specific roles, the tasks people want the new employee to perform, and the new employee collaborates with on projects and other tasks. Notifying others of new job applications can also help them with resource planning and orientation training sessions.

#3 Includes Measurements and Data 

Discuss talent shortages and skills shortages quantitatively. For example, you might say that your team often exceeds its capabilities, and hiring a new employee can make some jobs easier by taking on reporting and financial analysis tasks. main. This helps the HR team understand that job requisition makes the entire department more productive, less stressful, and more motivated to deliver high-quality results. You can also include figures when outlining the new employee's key roles and responsibilities in your job application. It helps to quantify the expectations of new employees and the impact they can have on the organization. 

For example, you might write that you expect new employees to reduce reporting consolidation time by 10% within the first year and reduce errors by 5% within two years. Providing quantitative metrics helps the HR team understand what to expect from a new employee and how the new employee brings value to the entire organization.

#4 Include a Detailed Job Description 

The job description clearly outlines the responsibilities and expectations of the new employee, further convincing HR that the new hire is beneficial to your team and the organization. The job description may include benefits, specific duties, candidate qualifications, salary range, expected start date, and reporting roles. You can also include the percentage of time they should spend on specific tasks. 

Job Requisition Template

The Staff Nash team has prepared a job requisition template for the Staff position, ensuring that you have guidance on how to complete it accurately.

[Your company logo]

[Company name]

[Company address]

[City, state, zip code]

[Phone number]

[Email address]



Job Request: [Job Title]

Brief job description:

We are looking for a highly motivated and talented individual to join our team as [Job Title]. This position is critical to the success of our organization and involves [briefly describe key responsibilities and functions]. The ideal candidate will have [specify required qualifications, skills, and experience]. If you are passionate about [relevant industry/field] and are looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute to the development of our company, we encourage you to apply.


[List the main responsibilities and tasks associated with your position]

[Indicate any specific projects or initiatives that the candidate will be involved in].

[Include any additional responsibilities specific to the position].

Qualifications and skills:

[Qualification 1]

[Qualification 2]

[Required qualification 3]

[Any additional desirable qualifications].

Key Requirements:

[List any key certifications or licenses required for this role]

[List any physical requirements or working conditions associated with the position].


[List any significant benefits such as healthcare, pension, etc.].

Application Process:

To apply for this position, please submit the following documents:

An updated resume

Cover letter detailing your qualifications and interest in this position

Applications should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line: [Position Title] - [Your name]. The application deadline is [date]. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Equal employment opportunities:

[Company Name] is an equal-opportunity employer. We support diversity and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or any other legally protected status.

About [Company Name]:

[Provide a brief overview of your company, its mission, culture, and any other information that will help candidates understand your organization].

Thank you for considering joining our team. We look forward to reviewing your application.

Best regards,

[Your name]

[Your position]

[Company Name]


By using the job request form, you can get a clearer picture of the desired candidate and take into account various factors, such as budgetary requirements. This form plays a crucial role in streamlining the approval and hiring processes, ensuring effective coordination between different teams, including HR and accounting.

Whenever there is a need to hire, it is highly recommended to create a job request. Although it seems to be a simple internal document, it can be an important tool for successfully filling a vacant position.

Have a specific position you need to fill? Post your job requisitions on Staff Nash and attract top talent. Describe your requirements, preferred qualifications, and job details to ensure that you receive applications from the most suitable candidates.